Regents of the University of Minnesota التطبيقات

Responder Self Care 1.0
This mobile app aids those deployed toemergency response events in maintaining their own physical,emotional, and social well-being. It provides checklists forbefore, during, and after deployment that help responders pack fordeployment, take care of daily needs, maintain importantrelationships, reflect on experiences, and more. Customizablereminders ensure that critical tasks are not forgotten and tipsexplain why certain aspects of self care are vital. A variety ofresponders will find this app useful to help manage their self carewhile working in demanding situations, when caring for oneself isessential in order to help and care for others.
APP Plus - APP+ 1.1
APP Plus supports medication adherence formen. Customize your daily reminders and trackyour weekly adherence progress. APP Plus daily content offersstrategies for real life adherencechallenges. To access the APP Plus content, men will have had toqualify and enroll in thisstudy. If you have not done so, please* Select your medication(s) from the complete list of meds in theMy Meds menu.* Customize your medication reminders to fit your life, and changeit as often as needed.* Track your weekly progress and challenge yourself to do better inthe My Meds Challenge* Navigate sex, drugs and medications in JR’s Misadventures.* Discover the latest studies, drug interactions and tips fortaking your meds.APP Plus is funded by the National Institutes of Health anddeveloped by the University ofMinnesota
Status Update Project (SUP) 0.0.38
The SUP app provides an opportunity for men toreceive a personalized recommendation for how often they shouldtest for HIV. SUP also provides resources about HIV, STDs, as wellas Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP). Features of the SUP app includepersonalized HIV testing date and reminders, clinic locations,interactive polling questions, information on monthly local events,and resources about different topics from dating to finances.Available in English and Spanish.Only persons who qualify and enroll in this project can access SUP.To see if you qualify, please contact is funded by the National Institutes of Health and developed bythe University of Minnesota and the University of Hawaii.
MNsight - Lidar and what's bel 0.0.3
Explore detailed topo maps of Minnesota and find out the geologichistory below
UMN Study Space 1.0.16
The Study Space app helps students at the University ofMinnesotaTwin Cities find campus study spaces that are open to allenrolledstudents regardless of program affiliation and do nothaverestricted access or limited hours. Use the app to find astudyspace close to your location on campus, locate specific kindsofplaces like computer labs, coffee shops, and group study rooms,orexplore detailed features of a study space such as its numberofseats, noise level, or technology setup.
Healthy Horse - Determining a horse’s body weight 2.0.0
Determining a horse’s body weight is important for bodyweightandfeeding management, and administration of medication. TheHealthyHorse App allows horse owners and professionals to estimatethebody weight of adult Arabians, draft horses, adult andjuvenileminiature horses, stock horses, saddle-type horses,ponies,Warmbloods, and Thoroughbreds using new equations developedthroughUniversity research by entering in the equine’s height,bodylength, neck, and girth circumference. Ideal body weight isalsocalculated for each breed-type using newly developedequationsthrough University research by entering in the equine'sheight andbody length. The app gives an estimate of an equine’sactual andideal bodyweights and should not replace an examinationby aqualified professional. The Healthy Horse App is now availableinboth Spanish and English and users can enter measurements ineitherimperial or metric units with results displayed in eitherpounds orkilograms.
Bon App 0.2.7
The French Pronunciation App from the Mobile Language LearningGroup at UMD.
Hay Price 2.0.0
Helps hay buyers calculate price per ton and provides costcomparisons
apt.mind 1.0.2
A simple approach to guided mindfulness exercises.
CRISTAL Mobile 1.1.0
Disaster response mobile application
Flyover Country - Inflight GPS 2.5.2
Track your flight with GPS - discover the world below with offlinemaps and POI.
AW-Shift 0.1.0
AW-Shift (Assisted Weight Shift) provides real-time pressuremappingfeedback, weight shift reminders, and high pressure alertsforwheelchair users who are at risk for developing pressureinjuries(also known as pressure sores) on their skin. Pressure ismeasuredby a mat that is placed on top of your seat cushion orother surfaceyou are sitting on. *Only those app users with accessto theapproved pressure mat and it’s accompanying control box canconnectto this application using bluetooth. Without theaccompanyingcomponents, the mobile app will not providepressure-relatedinformation. Currently, this system is notcommercially available;however, it is being used for clinicaltrials. The Pressure Map ViewThe live view of the pressure mapshows how pressure is distributedin fine detail (256 measurementpoints) so that it is easy to detectsmall areas of high pressure,such as under bony areas. This isespecially helpful when theability to feel pressure is impairedbecause we tend to move whenwe sense discomfort. Moving relievespressure and helps keep theskin healthy. Without the ability tosense discomfort, we have torely on other cues to remind us tomove. Seeing the pressurethrough pressure mapping can providefeedback that shows how yourelieve pressure when you move. See yourown pressure map wheneveryou want! Reminders and Alerts Remindersand alerts are deliveredthe way you want with full control over thetiming and method ofnotification. The in-app settings allow you toselect how often youwant to be reminded to complete a weight shift.You can also decidehow long you want to hold the weight shift andthe countdown isprovided on-screen for you. You can determine whichhours of theday during which you would like to receive reminders.Reminders aredelivered as a notification message with sound and/orvibration.You can choose to start the weight shift, delay it for aspecificamount of time, or you can ignore it and the notificationwilldisappear. Alerts are different and are provided as anotificationand sound/vibration when the pressure mapping systemdetectspressure higher than the threshold you select. The systemprovidesalerts if pressure increases across the entire mapping area(suchas when a cushion deflates without your knowledge) or whenhighpressure is detected in a specific region. You have fullcontrolover the thresholds for both types of alerts. Some peoplewant tobe alerted to small changes right away, while others mayonly wantto know when there are dramatic, unexpected changes inpressure.Track Weight Shift Performance AW-Shift also providestracking ofyour own weight shift completion over time. You maylearn that youperform weight shifts regularly on most days, butthat weekends aremore challenging. Using that information, you canmake changesrelevant to you and your routines that may help protectyou fromdeveloping pressure-related skin problems. Record and SavePressureMaps You can record and save pressure map sessions for anydurationof time that could be used to compare pressure over time ortodetect subtle changes in pressure that may have otherwisegoneunnoticed. For example, if you slowly lose weight, you maysitslightly differently on your cushion over time. AW-Shift willhelpyou be aware of these small changes as they happen. Supporttodevelop this mobile application was provided the DepartmentofDefense (W81XWH-15-0484) and the National Intitutes ofHealth’sNational Institute on Aging (5R01AG056255).
EMAT 1.2.0
Estimates the probability of in-hospital mortality.
Traumatic Brain Injury 1.1.0
Predicts quality of life outcome after traumatic brain injury.
Smart Community Health 4.0.5
Smart Community Health is a holistic end-to-end platform thatallowspeople to take an assessment that determines yourSocialDeterminants of Health and needs; connecting people tocommunityorganizations who provide matching services. With aspecific focuson local resources, Smart Community Health utilizesits platform toempower community health, grow community resilience,and foster newconnections. Smart Community Health is a modernized,communitycurated and customized 211, focused on improvingindividual health.Through the Smart Community framework, it is easyfor individualsto find community resources to help with theirspecific needs.
PhysiAware 1.1.7
PhysiAware is designed to collect data from sensors worn duringresearch studies
SAGA 0.8.2
Social Acuity Game for ASD
Trauma Intervention Prediction 1.3.0
Predicts the need for intervention within 6 hours of admission forems patients.
PRIME – EPI-MINN 0.9-develop
PRIME is a research app for EPI-MINN study participants at the UMN
UMN TTE 2.1.5
Transthoracic Echocardiography Simulator
University of Minnesota SALSA 2.0.1
System for Automated Language and Speech Analysis